TRCF Advocacy and Outreach


Cancer advocates speak up for those who can’t. Advocacy helps the cancer community navigate this often difficult landscape, and play a crucial role in creating a better future for all cancer patients. The Ruth Cheatham Foundation works to educate the community on the lack of support for adolescent cancer patients and survivors. Below are some of the advocacy programs we support.


Senior High Photo Shoots

The goal of The Ruth Cheatham Foundation is not only to make the battle against cancer easier but also to inspire hope and strength in young adults. A cancer diagnosis is physically, emotionally, and financially draining. 

With the rigorous cancer treatment schedules and financial limitations of the family, Senior photos are often overlooked. This is our opportunity to support the family and give students a break from the daily grind of treatment. This will be a day to be pampered while celebrating the student’s academic achievements.

We are honored to have Paula Kay Photography and Sarah Hailey Photography donate their time and talent for these photography sessions. If you would like to check out their website and sample some of their gorgeous work, please go to &

Washington, DC

Childhood Cancer Caucus

The mission of the bipartisan Childhood Cancer Caucus is to serve as a clearinghouse for information on pediatric cancer and a forum to aid Members of Congress in working together to address pediatric cancer. The Caucus will strive to raise awareness about pediatric cancer, advocate in support of measures to prevent the pain, suffering and long-term effects of childhood cancers, and work toward the goal of eliminating cancer as a threat to all children.

TRCF was honored to be invited to attend the Childhood Cancer Caucus and Golden Toast by the Carson Leslie Foundation. We remain committed to raising awareness and funds to make the cancer treatment process and survivorship better for teen cancer survivors.